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Offener Brief: Gemeinsam für eine gesunde Umwelt

Wir brauchen Luft zum Atmen, Wasser zum Trinken, gesunde Lebensmittel zum Essen, ein gutes Klima zum Überleben. Angesichts der globalen Umweltkrise, die schon jetzt die Rechte von Milliarden Menschen verletzt, fordern wir gemeinsam mit mehr als 850 Nichtregierungsorganisationen aus mehr als 100 Ländern vor den Vereinten Nationen die weltweite Anerkennung des Rechts auf eine gesunde Umwelt.


In view of the 45th session of the Human Rights Council, which starts on 14 September 2020, we have the honor to convey to you the attached appeal to the Council to recognize without delay the right of all to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment.

This appeal, entitled "The Time Is Now", is signed by more than 850 organizations from civil society, social, environmental, youth, gender equality and human rights movements, trade unions, Indigenous Peoples, and local communities, from more than 100 countries.

The Covid-19 pandemic that is currently hitting us demonstrates the devastating effects that environmental degradation can have and how urgent it is that the right of all to a safe, clean, healthy and sustainable environment, already widely acknowledged at the national and regional levels, be also universally recognized by the pre-eminent human rights body of the United Nations. By filling this gap in international human rights law, this recognition will highlight that human rights have to be guaranteed and effective in the face of environmental challenges.

We thank You for considering the content of this appeal and look forward to discussing it with You or a representative of the Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the United Nations Office at Geneva in the near future.

We assure you, Excellency, of our highest consideration.

