Manual on children’s participation
Manual sobre la participación de l@s niñ@s
Handbuch zur Partizipation von Kindern
Useful Readings
- ARC 2009 - Acronyms
- ARC 2009 - Definition of Terms
- ARC 2009 - Facilitators Toolkit
- ARC 2009 - Participation Contract
- ARC 2009 - Training Manual
- ARC 2009 - Userguide
- ARC 2009 - Workshop Evaluation Form
- Boursin 2014 - The added value of protective accompaniment
- CRC 2009 - General comment No 12
- Feinstein_O'Kane 2005 - The spider tool
- Hart 1992 - children's participation
- Hart 2008 - Stepping Back from The Ladder
- IAWGCP 2007 - children's participation in decision-making
- IAWGCP 2008 - Children as Active Citizens
- La Caleta 2010 - Movilizandonos por una cultura integral de derechos encuentro nacional de NNA
- Lansdown 2011 - Every Childs Right to be Heard
- Lansdown_O'Kane 2014 - M&E Toolkit Booklet I
- Malherbe et al 2015 - Photovoice Manual
- Plan 2004 - children changing their world
- SACO Child Participation Manual Guideline
- Save 2007 - Advocacy matters
- Save 2008 - One Step Beyond - Advocacy handbook
- Save 2011 - A Guidebook on Spaces for Children's Participation in ASEAN
- Save 2012 - Child led Data Collection
- Save 2013 - Children's participation in programming cycle
- Save 2013 - Guideslines for children's participation in humanitarian programming
- tdh 2011 - Which protection for children involved in mobility in West Africa
- tdh 2015 - Quality Assessment Matrix
- tdh Schweiz 2010 - Konzept Jugendpartizipation (1)
- tdh Schweiz 2010 - Konzept Jugendpartizipation (2)
- tdh SEA 2006 - Discussion Paper Child Participation
- Time to Talk 2016 - Toolkit
- Tuktan - Paso Atras
- Tuktan 2016 - Manual de Comunicación
- UNESCO 2006 - Innovative Practices of Youth Participation in Media
- UNICEF 2010 - Advocacy Toolkit
- World Vision 2017 - Child-Led Mobilisation