Taking an active part: Mahmudin from Indonesia
In a small series we will introduce young people from around the world who are committed to children´s rights and the objectives of terre des hommes.
Mahmudin (20 years) from Indonesia

1. Which place in your area is your favorite one?
My house and the farm hut are my favorite. I like my house because I can relax and feel secure live with my family. Then the other one is my farm hut near paddy field because I can enjoy beautiful scene to release stress.
2. Which profession do you want to exercise later and do you think that you can make this world a better place through your profession?
I want to be an social-environmental activist. I want to improve the quality of live in the place I work. It’s a work that I will be very happy to do because the enjoyment I feel to develop program that can be useful to community.
3. What do you like doing in your free time?
I like sleeping and reading books. I also like to communicate with friends by SMS, doing activity in the farm to help my cousin to plant corn, etc. Sometimes I talk with farmers to discuss about their problems too.
4. Why are you working on children rights and what are you doing concretely to improve the life conditions of children and youth in your region?
I am doing that related with my concern to child rights violation happened in my village, i.e early child marriage, domestic violence, child oppinions not being heard, children labour. To try to solve that problems I try to involve children and youth in discussion, agriculture and farming activity, religious meeting, daycare for children and with environmental education activity in school.
5. Do you have a role model?
It’s a hard question for me. I don’t have spesific role model but I learn good things from many people.
6. If you could change your life with somebody else for one day: Which one you would choose and why?
I would choose as a person that is humble, cool, honest, clever, easily adapt to community and wise. I don’t want to be a rich person but I prefer to be successful. I choose to be those kind of person because I choose peaceful life and like to help others.
7. What is your last dream that you can remember?
My dream is to reach higher education, to get bachelor degree
8. Once in a lifetime I absolutely want to ...
...travelling around Indonesia and then around the world
9. If you could rule the world for one day: What would be your first law?
I wolud like to formalized rules in education, to help everyone specially the poor one.