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Mission Statement of Terre des Hommes

Our mandate 

Every child counts! Together with children, we assert their rights worldwide. Whatever the situation − climate change, child labour, war and displacement − we empower children and young people and, with them, spark changes locally and globally.

Our approach is based on 

  • Solidarity: Through commitment and support from individuals and institutions, we have empowered children and young people with the goal of an Earth of Humanity since 1967. In doing so, we stand resolutely at the side of social movements worldwide.
  • Partnership: Together with partner organisations worldwide, we work for a livable future free from poverty, discrimination and violence and provide humanitarian assistance during wars and after natural disasters.
  • Participation: Children and young people, project partners, members and staff worldwide decide together on the strategic orientation of terre des hommes.
  • Sustainability: We fund projects for the protection of children and to sustainably improve the conditions under which children live.
  • Agency: We empower children and young people in their right to participate, and support them in standing up for their rights. It is particularly important to us to amplify the voices of children and young people who are discriminated against and marginalised.
  • Critique: With public relations and information campaigns we sharpen the critical perception of global injustices and influence policy, the economy and society. In doing so, we are independent of political parties, companies and religious communities.
  • Networking: As a membership-based children’s rights organisation, we are part of a worldwide civil society movement working for a healthy environment, justice, peace and human rights.

Approved by the Presidium in February 2023

For further information on our international programme work please see the websites of our Regional Offices